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Humanities Festival - ALBENA AZMANOVA in conversation with DESSY GAVRILOVA

In her profound and sober critique of contemporary capitalism, Albena Azmanova coins a new term that pinpoints the core characteristic of twenty-first-century capitalism: “precarity capitalism.” The term captures the new modes of competitive profit-making that define the current state of capitalism and points to the insecurities, anxieties, and new forms of exploitation that it brings about. In a conversation with Vienna Humanities Festival co-founder DESSY GAVRILOVA, the renowned author of the multiple award-winning book Capitalism on Edge (Columbia University Press, 2020), scholar and political commentator ALBENA AZMANOVA will elaborate on her critique and draw the contours of a possible new progressive political agenda. ------------- Part of the Vienna Humanities Festival 2024. In 2024, the festival will be organized by the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM) and Time To Talk (TTT) in cooperation with FALTER, the Open Society Foundations, the City of Vienna, ERSTE Foundation, the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, the Wien Museum, and the Volkstheater. Learn more about the Vienna Humanities Festival here:

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