Standard Time
Whom to trust?

Whom to trust?

Do you believe everything you’re told on the internet? Or on TV? And if you don’t, as none of us should, how should we decide?

Some people are afraid of migrants - others of losing their homes. Some people don’t believe covid exists - some religiously believe in science and objectivism. Yet others attribute anything they don’t understand to ancient aliens.

So, who do we blame for all this? And, more importantly, who’s got solutions?

Mercy Abang is an award-winning journalist from Nigeria. She’s a media entrepreneur, co-managing director and CEO of Hostwriter, based in Berlin, Germany.

Lina Chawaf is a Syrian journalist, founder of Radio Rozana broadcasting in Arabic to a Syrian audience in Syria and in diaspora. She’s working from Gaziantep, Turkey.

Péter Krekó is a political scientist and social psychologist of ELTE University. He is the director of Political Capital Institute a Budapest-based independent think tank. He’s also a long-time recurring author and friend of Eurozine.

We meet with them at the spectacular library of the School of English and American Studies at the Eötvös Loránd University, in the heart of Budapest, Hungary.



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