Discover TV

Mit der Erstausstrahlung des Nachrichtenformats Every 1 News im Februar 2006 begann die Geschichte von Discover TV, einem Medium der in Wien ansässigen World Media Insights, das sich an KosmopolitInnen des 21. Jahrhunderts richtet. Neben Every 1 News werden auch folgende weitere Formate produziert: Every 1 Means und Discover TV Live.


The 4 Pillars & The Cumulative Weight makes the superpowers the superpower!

Global Geopolitics is based on four pillars: the Abrahamic-Semitic Pillar, the Colonial Pillar, the Communist Pillar and the Capitalist Pillar.They are well aware of the fact that they would have to compete with each other and to destroy others and the planet-eco systems too for their own survival! Yet, they continue to do so!! That's what makes this world and any discussion about it ambiguous & complex. Studio Guests : Mariam Wagialla, Ankit Shah, Petar Iliev, Viktor Wenty Host: Kavindra Mathi

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