Standard Time

Das online Magazin "Eurozine" greift auf 40 Jahre Tradition redaktioneller Gespräche zurück und präsentiert thematische Diskussionen mit Autoren, Herausgebern und Wissenschaftlern.


Every year, the entire world witnesses protests for #LabourDay, and like every year, #work conditions aren’t getting any better.
Réka Kinga Papp is having this important conversation with Maryna Tverdostup economist, Petra Hlaváčková cultural theorist and curator and Péter Csunderlik historian.

Venue: IWM Library Vienna

Getting that bread

Every year, the entire world witnesses protests for #LabourDay, and like every year, #work conditions aren’t getting any better. Guests: Réka Kinga Papp is having this important conversation with Maryna Tverdostup economist, Petra Hlaváčková cultural theorist and curator and Péter Csunderlik historian. Venue: IWM Library Vienna

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